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Meet the Team

​Built on a foundation of trust, respect, and open communication, we value creativity, innovation, and continuous learning. Together, we strive to push boundaries and exceed expectations

Supa Ant is a small family - owned business dedicated to providing the highest possible quality of products for families at a fair price. We, at Supa Ant are very much determined in keeping our processes and related jobs within the community we serve.


We offer a round - the - clock United States and United Kingdom based customer care, warehouse, assembly line and offices.



Yasi, is based in the Philippines and Florida and she is known by the team for her lack of humor. The most serious person after Joe Pesci!​


Her motto is, "Bring it on!"

Sort Others' Mess
Image by Simone Secci


Daniel is based in the United Kingdom and is known by the team for his inappropriate sense of humor!


His motto is, "Bacon, bacon, bacon, and sometimes sausage!"

"Faceless" face of customer service!
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Anthea is based in the United States and is known by the team for making the best lasagne in the state!​


Her motto is, "I deliver!"

Supply Chain


Loki is based under the closest tree and prefers the dust pan to his 35$ bed!​


Loki's motto is, "Woof, woof!"

(I'm a dog what did you expect!)

Company Mascot
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James is based in the United States and is known by the team for making the best lasagne in the state!​


His motto is, "Loving the cat!"

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Anthea is based in the United States and is known by the team for making the best lasagne in the state!​


Her motto is, "I deliver!"

Storage & Assembly line


Claire is based in the United Kingdom and she is known to the team for her management skills and her blue eyes!


Her motto is, "Let's have a glass of wine."

Boss Others Around

Mufasa, also known as Sol, is based in Pakistan, and is known by the team for training Simba to confront Scar! (Sorry, we couldn't resist)​


His motto is, "Whatever Ma'am Yasi says!"



Marketing Manager
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Anthea is based in the United States and is known by the team for making the best lasagne in the state!​


Her motto is, "I deliver!"

Storage & Assembly line

Meet The Founder

My story begins back when I was a weird little kid with a Snap-On cape and a burning desire to change the world. And while most kids have some kind of superhero complex, they eventually outgrow it. Not me… I have spent most of my life searching for the proverbial burning building that I would run into and save the day. Leaving my mark on this planet. Like my dad did as a trustee to a charity hospital for kids with cancer. Upon the realization that it might take a little longer to change the world than I thought, I got distracted. I eventually found myself a women’s rights activist graduating with a doctorate degree, and soon after that, I became a mom. But there was a problem: I had high standards! I wanted the absolute best for my baby but I couldn’t find quality products anywhere. I was so sick of buying baby stuff online and get disappointed of the low quality. I once bought a car sunshade and I got so angry when my baby got a sunburn as the shade didn’t do it’s job. And that was the last straw.  I decided to create the high-quality products I needed for myself and for all other parents out there who suffer the same.  So, I created Kinder Fluff with the Slogan “Because We Care”. The support I got from other parents was huge!  It encouraged me to keep launching new and better products that never existed before and make them available at the same price as lower quality ones in the market. I made a record number of enemies in one day! But the love I got from parents was well worth the trouble I put myself through. And the best part, Kinder Fluff gave me the opportunity to leave my mark by spending 20 percent of my income on charity every year! And I am now in planning stage to build a charity hospital for kids with heart defects.

Yasi Herbich

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